
New RMD Tables Coming For 2022: Are You Ready? Take This Quiz To Find Out

News & Press

Friday, October 29, 2021

How well do you understand required minimum distributions (RMDs), which the IRS describes as “the minimum amount you must withdraw from your [retirement] account each year”?RMDs can be complicated, and there are changes coming for 2022 related to how they are calculated: In short, the divisors are increasing, which means the amount required to be withdrawn is decreasing.

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How To Fix America’s Retirement Crisis: 10 Experts Weigh In

News & Press

Monday, January 04, 2021

For decades there’s been a festering retirement crisis in America.

Congress has repeatedly tried to resolve the retirement crisis via stop-gap, incremental efforts.It has created new retirement accounts, like Roth IRAs to benefit lower income workers, as well as tax-advantaged health savings accounts (HSAs) to help pay healthcare costs.

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IRA Guru Ed Slott On Taxes, Retirement & Roth IRAs

News & Press

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

IRA guru Ed Slott doesn’t trust politicians with his taxes—and doesn’t think you should, either.

A well-known retirement expert (and a recovering certified public accountant), Slott leads seminars for financial planners, advises regular folks on how to retire securely and recently updated his 2003 classic, “The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb,” to address Congress’ latest indiscretions.

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IRS Grants Broad And Surprising Rollover Relief To All Who Took 2020 RMDs From IRAs & 401(k)s

News & Press

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Anybody who took a required minimum distribution from a retirement account in 2020 should take a look at new IRS guidance that says those who took a 2020 RMD can roll the money back into a retirement plan by August 31.

IRS Notice 2020-51 provides rollover relief with respect to waived RMDs, permits repayments to inherited IRAs, and includes Q&As for employers and employees navigating the 2020 RMD waivers and rollovers.

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