Think Advisor

Ed Slott: IRAs Are a Ticking Tax Bomb

News & Press

Thursday, June 20, 2024

It would almost be malpractice for any financial or tax advisor to ignore the coming tax storm,” according to Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.

That’s one of the central themes in his new book, “The Retirement Savings Time Bomb Ticks Louder,” Slott told ThinkAdvisor in a recent email exchange. “The taxes growing in the IRAs are what my book title refers to, a ticking tax time bomb.”

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Ed Slott: Time for Some Clients to Ditch Traditional IRAs

News & Press

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Whether a client’s retirement dreams are five years away or 50, the single greatest threat standing in their way is taxes, warns Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.

The right tax management strategy can save clients hundreds of thousands of dollars, while the wrong strategy — or no strategy at all — can bring undue hardship during their golden years.

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Ed Slott: The IRA Conversation Advisors and Clients Must Have Now

News & Press

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Advisors should take advantage of today’s low tax rates — and “do Roth conversions while taxes are on sale!” according to Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.

Every advisor, Slott told ThinkAdvisor Tuesday, “should be having this conversation with their clients. This may only last for the next three years (2023, 2024, and 2025). After that, tax rates are scheduled to revert back up to previous levels.”

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