News & Press

New RMD Tables Coming For 2022: Are You Ready? Take This Quiz To Find Out

News & Press

Friday, October 29, 2021

How well do you understand required minimum distributions (RMDs), which the IRS describes as “the minimum amount you must withdraw from your [retirement] account each year”?RMDs can be complicated, and there are changes coming for 2022 related to how they are calculated: In short, the divisors are increasing, which means the amount required to be withdrawn is decreasing.

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Congress takes aim at mega-IRAs

News & Press

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Advisers with clients who have large IRAs should be aware of congressional proposals targeting mega-IRAs — those holding more than $10 million — including a proposal for a mandatory 50% RMD of the amount over $10 million, Ed Slott says.

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Ed Slott Weighs In on House Democrats’ Proposed Mega-IRA Crackdown

News & Press

Monday, September 13, 2021

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal’s plan to usher in several changes to individual retirement accounts “will not likely see much pushback because most people will never have to worry about their IRA balances exceeding $20 million,” IRA and tax specialist Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.told ThinkAdvisor late Monday in an email

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