News & Press

The Demise of the Stretch IRA

News & Press

Friday, March 19, 2021

Christine Benz: Hi, I'm Christine Benz for Morningstar.The SECURE Act, passed in late 2019, brought about the demise of the so-called "stretch IRA." Joining me to discuss the implications for tax and retirement planning is tax and retirement expert, Ed Slott

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Here’s How You Can Still Save on 2020 Taxes

News & Press

Friday, March 05, 2021

The arrival of 2021, as welcome as it was, put a hard stop on most moves by Americans to lower their 2020 tax bills.The window for things like making charitable donations or taking capital losses to offset gains slammed shut on December 31.

But there are still a few things people can do now to cut last year’s taxes

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Don’t Pay Tax Penalties on Money You Took From Retirement Accounts

News & Press

Friday, March 05, 2021

Retirement savers need to pay close attention to their income tax filings this year because of pandemic-related changes to rules for required withdrawals.

Even in normal times, the rules for mandatory minimum withdrawals can be confusing, and are even more so this year because of a mash-up of tax changes and virus relief programs.If you get things right, you can avoid paying unnecessary taxes, financial advisers say.

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