News & Press

Coronavirus relief tax deduction denial: Is your PPP loan worth less?

News & Press

Friday, May 01, 2020

Taxpayers and lawmakers are not happy with a newly released policy regarding the Paycheck Protection Program, which some argue diminishes the value of the loans for recipients.

The IRS issued guidance late Thursday preventing business owners who have their PPP loans forgiven from claiming tax breaks on otherwise deductible expenses if they were paid for using the government aid.

The loans are tax-exempt, so the guidance was based on existing law, which generally aims to prevent people from receiving a “double tax benefit.”

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Sen. Cardin Signals More RMD Relief in Next Stimulus

News & Press

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sen.Ben Cardin, D-Md., signaled Thursday that the next round of coronavirus stimulus could likely include required minimum distribution relief.

During an early Thursday afternoon webcast held by the American Council for Capital Formation, Cardin was questioned on measures lawmakers could take to deal with the massive withdrawals from retirement accounts taking place now.

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Coronavirus relief: We answer your questions about how the CARES Act affects retirement withdrawals and IRAs

News & Press

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The CARES Act, the legislation signed into law by President Trump in March, generated many questions from readers.Below we answer some of them.

Q: You wrote in a recent article that "the law also doubles the amount 401(k) participants can take in loans from an account for the next six months to the lower of $100,000 or 100% of the account balance

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Answers to Important RMD Questions

News & Press

Friday, April 10, 2020

With stocks down around 17% since Feb.20, older Americans stand to benefit from Congress’s stimulus-bill move to suspend required minimum distributions from retirement accounts this year.

The one-year hiatus gives those who can afford to leave their nest eggs alone a better chance of recovering losses

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IRS Provides Additional RMD Relief for Retirees

News & Press

Friday, April 10, 2020

People who took a required minimum distribution (RMD) in 2020 and want to roll it back into an IRA because of the RMD waiver, a reprieve granted by the CARES Act, may have a little more time to do it.Recent IRS guidance includes an extension until July 15, 2020, to complete time-sensitive actions, such as indirect rollovers of retirement account distributions

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