
New RMD Tables Coming For 2022: Are You Ready? Take This Quiz To Find Out

News & Press

Friday, October 29, 2021

How well do you understand required minimum distributions (RMDs), which the IRS describes as “the minimum amount you must withdraw from your [retirement] account each year”?RMDs can be complicated, and there are changes coming for 2022 related to how they are calculated: In short, the divisors are increasing, which means the amount required to be withdrawn is decreasing.

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Congress takes aim at mega-IRAs

News & Press

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Advisers with clients who have large IRAs should be aware of congressional proposals targeting mega-IRAs — those holding more than $10 million — including a proposal for a mandatory 50% RMD of the amount over $10 million, Ed Slott says.

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