
Saving for Retirement? Now You Can Bet on Bitcoin

News & Press

Friday, June 25, 2021

Cryptocurrencies, among the world’s most volatile assets, are searching for mainstream acceptance in the investment world.Their next target: your retirement portfolio.

Financial services companies are rolling out new products and services that allow more everyday investors to add bitcoin and other virtual currencies to their nest eggs as a way of reaching for higher returns

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The ultra-wealthy have made full use of Roth individual retirement accounts. Here’s how you can do the same

News & Press

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sometimes, it can seem like only rich people can benefit from the tax code.

Some ultra-wealthy individuals have amassed hundreds of millions — or even billions — of dollars in tax-sheltered Roth individual retirement accounts, according to a report released Thursday from ProPublica, an investigative news outlet.However, the strategy is generally available to anyone who wants to use it.

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How Advisers Can Help Clients With 401(k) Loans

Contributing Articles

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

As a result of widespread job loss during the coronavirus pandemic, many suddenly-unemployed persons who dipped into retirement accounts are saddled with outstanding loans from company savings plans.Advisers can play a valuable role in helping these clients by understanding how the “loan offset” rules work, how the CARES Act affects loan offsets, and how offsets differ from “deemed distributions.”

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