
Ed Slott’s “The Retirement Savings Time Bomb Ticks Louder” Now Available for Preorder

Company Announcements

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

America’s IRA Expert Releases New Book That Includes Secure Act 2.0 Updates, Offers Exclusive Bonus Video Content

NEW YORK, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Ed Slott, CPA, the nationally recognized IRA Expert, founder of Ed Slott and Company, LLC and creator of, announces his new book “The Retirement Savings Time Bomb Ticks Louder” is now available for preorder.

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83% of Teenagers Are Already Thinking about Retirement — But Many Make This One Mistake

News & Press

Monday, April 22, 2024

When it comes to teens and money, there is often a disconnect.

Overall, teenagers are taking a greater interest in their long-term financial health — although far fewer understand basic retirement planning.

A majority, or 83%, of 13- to 18-year-olds, said they had already thought about their retirement, according to the results of a survey from Junior Achievement and MissionSquare.

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Career Forward: Shine at Work by Focusing on What Matters (SB1492)

News & Press

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

In our headline segment we’re visited by another star….this one in the tax planning world. Ed Slott is back, and he’s fired up about your retirement accounts. His take: stop saving into pre-tax 401k plans and IRAs! Why? Here during tax season Ed joins us to dive into what we SHOULD be focusing on this tax season….and reminding us what we should ignore.

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