
7 Tax Terms to Know as Congress Confers

News & Press

Friday, December 08, 2017
"If you have high SALT, the standard deduction is not going to make up for that, especially for a family with kids," says Ed Slott, a CPA in Rockville Centre, N.Y."The higher child tax credit won't be enough to make up for it, either."

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How to Compare the Senate and House GOP Tax Proposals

News & Press

Friday, November 10, 2017

"My real estate taxes are about $20,000 on a regular, middle-class house," says Ed Slott, a CPA in Rockville Centre, N.Y."If you're paying that and working in New York City, where your state and city taxes can be 10 percent of your income, that's a big deduction to miss."  

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Options for Easing the Pain of RMDs

News & Press

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Many retirees love to hate their required minimum distributions, which they have to take from their IRAs once they hit age 70 1/2.Joining me to discuss what, if anything, retirees can do to lower their RMDs is IRA expert Ed Slott.

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