
SECURE Act 2.0 Is Overhyped, Says Ed Slott

News & Press

Monday, January 30, 2023

Policymakers tout recent legislation as offering a leg-up to Americans struggling to save for retirement, but one tax and retirement expert says not to believe the hype.

The SECURE Act 2.0, enacted at the end of last year, will bring about some important changes for retirement planners—but it’s not as impactful as its predecessor, 2019’s the SECURE Act, said Ed Slott, president of Slott & Co.

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Slott, Levine: 7 Useful Facts About Tax Diversification and Retirement

News & Press

Friday, January 27, 2023

As a financial planning concept, the subject of tax diversification is relatively simple: It means utilizing a number of different types of investing and savings accounts that are taxed differently for federal and state income tax purposes.

But, as explored in the latest episode of the Great Retirement Debate podcast hosted by Ed Slott and Jeff Levine, putting the concept of tax diversification into practice is anything but simple, especially when it comes to planning for retirement.

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New Secure 2.0 Act promises to boost retirement saving, at cost of confusion

News & Press

Friday, December 30, 2022

A major new retirement law has been enacted, the second big one in little more than three years.Like movie sequels, this one has all the makings of a blockbuster.

The Secure 2.0 Act will allow Americans to save more money in tax-sheltered workplace retirement accounts, make the saving process easier through automatic enrollment, provide new incentives, delay the time when withdrawals must begin and set in motion other important changes.

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