
Reducing the Pain From Required Retirement Withdrawals This Year

News & Press

Friday, October 07, 2022

Millions of retirees will get friendly reminders from their banks and brokerages in coming weeks to take required withdrawals from their 401(k)s or other retirement accounts by the end of the year.

The annual ritual might feel particularly painful this time, with the S&P 500 down nearly 25% for the year through September.Many retirees will have to withdraw and pay taxes on a bigger percentage of their nest eggs than they might prefer, because the formula for calculating the required minimum distribution, or RMD, is based on the account’s balance at the end of last December—before the markets sagged.

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How to Handle Required Withdrawals From Retirement Accounts

News & Press

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Is there a recommended strategy for taking required withdrawals from retirement savings in this horrible market? I’m a buy-and-hold investor; normally, I would just hunker down, not look at my balances, and ride out this storm. Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service makes me sell stocks at the worst time. Any recommendations for this unprofitable task?

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