
Roth IRA Distributions and Eligible Designated Beneficiaries: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

I opened my first Roth IRA in 2017 and a second Roth IRA in December 2021. My current age is 71. I withdrew some funds from these accounts last year. For tax year 2024, I received a 2024 Form 1099-R for the 2017 Roth IRA account with a distribution code of Q and a 1099-R for the 2021 Roth IRA with a distribution code of T. That's where the confusion is - different distribution codes.

So Many IRA Beneficiary Variables!

When an IRA owner dies, what is the payout schedule for the beneficiary? The key to distinguishing the correct program (i.e., 10-year rule, stretch RMDs, 5-year rule, etc.) is to identify all the important variables. But there are so many! Nevertheless, each detail must be considered. Every scenario requires that we navigate through a mental flow chart. The correct answer lies at the end of every beneficiary maze.

Final Regulations Allow Separate Accounting for Trusts

The recent final required minimum distribution (RMD) regulations include a new rule change that may be beneficial for IRA owners who name trusts as beneficiaries. In the new regulations, the IRS allows separate accounting for RMD purposes for more trusts. This can be helpful when a trust has beneficiaries who can potentially have different payout periods under the RMD rules.

Roth IRAs and Successor Beneficiaries: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: I have been getting emails from a few sites pitching their subscriptions. They claim that Roth IRAs will all be taxable in the future. They say there are things you can do to avoid these taxes, but to find out what they are you have to subscribe to their newsletter. Is this true, and if so, how can one avoid taxes for Roth IRAs?

Beer Pong & IRA Custodial Rules

You know the game “beer pong?” Arrange 6 or 10 cups in a triangle, fill each one with a couple of ounces whatever beverage you are enjoying, and your opponent tries to toss a ping-pong ball into one of the cups. If a throw is successful, the contents of that cup are consumed, and it is removed from the table. Rinse the ball off, and it’s your turn to try and toss it into one of the other person’s cups. The first person to eliminate each of his opponent’s cups wins.

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Please contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or (516) 536-8282 with any questions.