How Roth IRA Distributions Are Taxed

Do you have a Roth IRA? If you do, there will very likely come a time when you want to take a distribution from that account. The distribution rules for taxation of Roth IRA distributions can be complicated, but if they are followed, the reward is tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

Roth Conversions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Hello, If a person is turning 73 years old in March, s/he would be required to take required minimum distributions for the year. Can a person do Roth Conversion prior to turning age 73 (say in February)?  Does the first money out rule still apply?

RMD Avoidance: Red Flags and Dead Ends

I appreciate it when reputable financial advisors fight for their clients. It is a pleasure to see a well-educated, experienced professional leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping someone through a problematic situation. Such conversations can be inspiring. “What if we try this? What if we tried that?” If a creative path to a desired outcome exists within the rules, I will diligently help the advisor map out a route while simultaneously pointing out the tripping hazards.

Deciphering the Rules for Roth 401(k)-to-Roth IRA Rollovers

More and more 401(k) plans are making Roth employee contributions available, and employees leaving their jobs often want to roll over Roth 401(k) funds to a Roth IRA. What tax rules apply to distributions of amounts rolled over? Warning: The rules are complicated because they involve two five-year holding periods, one for the Roth 401(k) distribution and the other for the Roth IRA distribution.

Roth IRA Distributions and Eligible Designated Beneficiaries: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

I opened my first Roth IRA in 2017 and a second Roth IRA in December 2021. My current age is 71. I withdrew some funds from these accounts last year. For tax year 2024, I received a 2024 Form 1099-R for the 2017 Roth IRA account with a distribution code of Q and a 1099-R for the 2021 Roth IRA with a distribution code of T. That's where the confusion is - different distribution codes.

Watch Out for the Once-Per-Year Rollover Rule

Why is it so important to know how the “once-per-year rollover rule” works? Well, that’s because trouble with the once-per year rule is the kind of trouble no one wants! If you violate this rule, you are looking at some serious tax consequences. Here is what you need to know about this rule that can cause big problems for those who do not know all its details and pitfalls.

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