Do You Know Who Will Inherit Your IRA?

You have contributed to your IRA for years. You have made wise and thoughtful investments. Maybe you have rolled over funds to your IRA from your company plan. You may now have a significant balance. So far, you have taken smart steps toward a secure future. Don’t stop your careful planning there. It is time to ask yourself an important question, “Who will inherit my IRA?”

How You Should Split an IRA After Death

Elroy was a well-intentioned beneficiary who received bad advice. We detail Elroy's plight as IRA beneficiary, his loss in tax court and how you can avoid a similar fate when setting up an inherited IRA and splitting it after death.

Are There Age Requirements To Do a Roth Conversion?

This is a frequently asked question, and the answer is very straightforward, but it also starts the Roth conversion conversation no matter your age. Beverly DeVeny provides more technical tidbits you should know about the process.

Sometimes It PAYS to Pay a Retirement Account Penalty

Whether it’s in sports, with taxes or in life, we’re programmed to avoid penalties, and that’s usually a good move. Occasionally, however, by simply avoiding penalties, we can be detrimental to ourselves. Indeed, sometimes incurring a penalty on purpose can be the right move. If you don’t believe me, consider the following example.

Ed Slott’s 5 Biggest Retirement Mistakes (VIDEO)

The 5 biggest retirement mistakes - miscues that can cost those saving for and nearing retirement - have nothing to do with investing! I sat down with to discuss what I believe are the five biggest retirement mistakes people make with their retirement accounts.

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