Updated IRS Publications Now Available

IRS has updated several retirement-related publications. They are now available on the IRS website, under Forms and Pubs. They will all say that they are updated for 2014 so you can use them in preparing your 2014 federal income tax return. However, they also will have the current contribution limits and other necessary information for this year.

The Process of Moving Company Plan Funds to a Roth IRA

When we think of retirement plan rollovers, we usually think about moving money between IRAs, or moving money from a company retirement plan to an IRA on a tax-free basis. For example, if you properly roll over money within 60 days from your IRA to another IRA or from your Roth IRA to another Roth IRA, the rollover is tax-free. Or maybe you retired and rolled over your 401(k) funds to your IRA. That rollover is also tax-free. But there is one type of rollover that is taxable.

Did You Miss an RMD in 2014? 3 Steps to Fix This

We spent the early part of the week looking at both sides of when you should take your RMD (early or late in the year). However, if you waited until the end of the year and then missed taking your RMD, here's how to correct it.

IRS Waives Rollover Requirement After Institution Error

A taxpayer received a distribution from his company retirement plan after separating from service with the intent to make a direct rollover into a Roth IRA. However, things don’t always go by way of the best intentions. The financial institution deposited the distribution into an IRA instead of a Roth IRA. Private Letter Ruling 201452025 got IRS involved.

IRA Private Letter Ruling Fees for 2015

Private letter ruling (PLR) requests for IRAs are a means for taxpayers to request forgiveness from IRS and to allow them to complete an action that has, for some reason, been derailed. For instance, you can ask IRS to allow you to complete a Roth recharacterization after the deadline has passed or to allow you to complete a 60-day rollover after the 60 days have passed. This all comes with a substantial cost. Here are the facts and figures for 2015.

The Power of Compounding: Start 2015 with an IRA Contribution

The power of compounding. It's value over time is illustrated by IRA Technical Expert Jeffrey Levine in this IRAtv video. Jeffrey details the IRA and Roth IRA contribution parameters and looks at how making a contribution early in the year can benefit you over the long term.

Register for Ed Slott’s FREE Webcasts Starting Monday!

Several critical tax rules will affect financial advisors' earning potential in 2015. You need to be armed with the knowledge to both gain new business and make sure your current clients avoid costly errors. Register today for Ed's webcasts.

New for 2015 – Changes in the Retirement Planning World

2015 has brought several important changes in the retirement planning world. From the once-per-year IRA rollover rule to QLACs and myRAs, IRA Technical Expert Beverly DeVeny highlights the key changes you must be aware of to retain current clients and capture new business in the new year.

Counting Down to the New Year IRA-Style

Today is the last day of 2014 already. That means we’re just hours away from New Year’s Eve parties, talk of resolutions we’re not really going to keep, and perhaps, a bit of the old bubbly. And of course, no New Year’s celebration is complete without a final countdown. So with that in mind, the final 2014 Slott Report article counts down, 10 to 1, to the new year IRA-style.

Year-End RMD Question: Can I Transfer my Traditional IRA RMD to a Roth?

The major Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) announcement pushed off last week's Slott Report Mailbag until this week, and it couldn't come at a better time. With 2014 hanging on by its coattails, year-end retirement planning is nearing its conclusion. In crunch time, advisors and consumers are asking specific questions about taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). It's only fitting that we received two questions on the topic this week.

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