There’s More Than One Way to Move a Roth IRA

If you have a Roth IRA, you may want to move it to a different IRA custodian. Whatever the reason, you can move your Roth IRA funds to another Roth IRA at any time. There are two ways to do that; using a rollover or a transfer.

What is the Magical End Date to Make a 2014 Roth Conversion?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag examines some key IRA questions, especially as we creep ever closer to year-end. What is the magical end date to make a 2014 Roth conversion? Can I take the total of my RMDs (required minimum distributions) from one IRA? And finally, we touch on a key planning point involving inherited IRAs and trusts.

5 Key Differences Between IRAs and Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

A recent survey by TIAA-CREF revealed some startling data. Over one-third of those surveyed either did not know what an IRA is or the difference between an IRA and an employer-sponsored plan. That’s not good news and needs to be fixed. So, with that in mind, below are 5 key differences between IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Can I Mix IRA and Personal Funds?

Can you mix your IRA and personal funds? Sometimes companies offer their investment products on sale. You might get a small cash bonus, a higher interest rate, or cash back if you invest today or by the end of the month when the offer ends. You might want this investment in your IRA because the investment, or the deal, is just that good. But here’s the problem. You can’t get your IRA funds out of your current investment into this new one that’s on sale before the sale ends. What are you going to do?

Can an IRA Distribution Cover My 403(b) RMD?

In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we answer questions on if you can cover your employer plan RMD (required minimum distribution) with an IRA distribution, the rules governing 401(k)-to-IRA rollovers and the logistics of setting up your IRA for three beneficiaries.

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