Roth IRA 60-Day Rollover Rules

Many times we get the question “Do the 60-day rollover rules apply to Roth IRAs?” The answer is, yes. We explain why in detail below.

Join Us in San Diego and Follow #InstantIRASuccess!

We are ready to welcome another group of dedicated financial professionals to Ed Slott and Company's 2-Day IRA Workshop, Instant IRA Success, which begins this Thursday from the spectacular Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California.

A Medicaid and Roth IRA Planning Horror Story

An attorney's client has a couple of small IRA accounts. He is not currently working. There is a possibility that he may need to qualify for Medicaid in the future. He has a large amount of cash just lying around. The attorney's idea? Just tuck the cash into a Roth IRA. After all, it is after-tax money so what's the problem? We explain below.

401(k) Plan Required Minimum Distribution Questions…and Our Answers

We have written extensively about required minimum distributions (RMDs) for IRAs, but we haven't talked a lot about RMDs for 401(k) plans. Our staff writers and technical consultants have started to receive a steady stream of questions on this topic, so we decided to devote some virtual estate to answer a few of the frequently asked questions.

When You Should Leave Your Employer Retirement Plan Money In The Plan

When you are entitled to receive withdrawals from your employer's retirement plan, such as a 401(k), a rollover to an IRA is a smart move in most cases. But there are some times when it’s best to leave the money in the employer plan and NOT do a rollover to an IRA. We detail those scenarios below.

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