A Tale of Two IRAs: Using a Series of Substantially Equal Periodic Payments to Fund an Early Retirement

Multiple studies suggest that we often end up retiring earlier than initially anticipated or hoped. One study by JPMorgan Asset Management found that although two-thirds of current workers plan to continue working until age 65, fewer than one in four actually manage to do so. Although the reasons vary, premature retirement poses a two-fold portfolio stress - a shorter accumulation time and a longer withdrawal period. It also presents a potential tax complication when you've not reached 59 ½ - that magic age at which you can withdraw retirement money without an additional 10% premature distribution penalty.

Excess IRA Contributions – Too Much of a Good Thing

You can have too much of a good thing. A contribution to your IRA is a great way to save for retirement, but there are limits. If you exceed those limits you will end up with an excess IRA contribution and a tax mess. This was the fate of two taxpayers in a recent court case, where mega IRA contributions resulted in excess contributions and penalties.

Too Many Roth IRAs? It’s Time to Consolidate

A common strategy is to go through with smaller Roth IRA conversions or to convert different assets to different Roth IRAs. If you have done this over a number of years, you probably have more Roth IRAs than you know what to do with. Maybe it is time to consolidate. Here's why.

Department of Labor Clears Way for State-Run IRAs

Your state may soon be getting into the IRA business. The Department of Labor (DOL) removed a major hurdle recently, when it issued final rules for state-run IRA programs. The final rules give states a safe harbor from Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) for state-run IRAs if certain conditions are met.

Relief for Victims of the Louisiana Floods: An Easing of Rules for Hardship Distributions and Loans from Employer Plans

On August 30, 2016 IRS released Announcement 2016-30 that allows for streamlining employer plan loan procedures and liberalizing hardship distribution rules for most employer plans. The following procedures are in effect until January 17, 2017 for victims of the storms and flooding in Louisiana that began on August 11, 2016.

10 Things You Should Know about the New Fix for Late IRA Rollovers

There is good news for everyone with a retirement account. The IRS recently released Revenue Procedure 2016-47, which provides a new and easier way for you to complete a late 60-day rollover of retirement funds using a self-certification procedure. Here are 10 things you should know about this new procedure that just might save your retirement savings.

Fix Your 60-Day Rollover Mistake! IRS Releases New Guidance

In one fell swoop, the IRS has just saved thousands of IRAs from the harsh bite of needless and accelerated taxation. On Wednesday August 24, 2016, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-47, which allows you to complete a late 60-day rollover of retirement funds using a self-certification. Here's what this means for retirement account owners.

Avoid This Common SEP IRA Mistake

A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) is an employer sponsored retirement plan where contributions are made to employees’ IRAs. Don’t be fooled by the name! Although these plans are in fact designed to be “simplified” or less complex than other types of retirement plans, there are ways to go wrong and make errors. A seemingly small mistake with a SEP IRA plan can cause big problems.

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