Distributions From a Roth IRA Conversion

Suppose you are one of the many retirement account owners who converted funds to a Roth IRA in 2010 when there was a special 2-year “deal” on paying the taxes. Now you are wondering when you can take a distribution of those funds. The simple answer is that you can always take a distribution of your converted funds. However, depending on what you withdraw, you may not be happy with the tax consequences. Here are the rules.

How IRA Distributions Impact the 3.8% Healthcare Surtax

How can you and your financial advisor work together to lower your tax liability? One of the questions we often ask financial professionals is, "what have you done to lower your clients' exposure to the new 3.8% healthcare surtax on net investment income?" View our IRAtv video below.

Taking Non-Cash Required Distributions from Your IRA

When individuals take withdrawals from their IRAs, it's usually a cash withdrawal. By cash, we don't mean dollar bills; instead it's usually done by issuing a check. But it's possible to take a non-cash withdrawal from certain IRAs. These non-cash distributions are known as property distributions or “in-kind” distributions. Click to learn more about these distributions.

Inheriting More Than One IRA: What You Can and Can’t Do

What happens when you or your client inherits more than one IRA? Can they be combined into one account? Do you have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from each account separately or can the distributions be aggregated? The answer will depend on who the inherited account came from as well as what type of account it is.

Spousal IRA Rollovers For Same-Sex Couples

Previously, same sex married couples did not have the spousal IRA benefits of opposite-sex married couples under the tax code. These benefits include the ability to make spousal IRA contributions, tax-free splitting of IRAs in a divorce, and spousal rollovers at death. However, the IRS recently issued guidance that gives same-sex married couples the spousal IRA benefits.

Slott Report Mailbag: Going Back to the IRA Basics

It's fitting and all. School is in session or about to begin for many, so this week's Slott Report Mailbag provides the syllabus for IRAs 101, answering consumer questions on some of the IRA nuts-and-bolts you and your financial team must know to properly open, manage and distribute from an IRA.

IRA Contributions After Death

The general rule for making IRA contributions after an individual dies is that you can’t. However, as is the case with many of the IRA rules, there is an exception. We explain below.

You CAN’T Change Your Mind on a Roth 401(k) Conversion

While many of us know that you can convert an IRA to a Roth IRA, a process that’s not as well understood is a Roth 401(k) conversion. If you participate in a 401(k) at work, you can convert your existing plan assets to a Roth account inside the 401(k) plan. This option is known as an “in-plan conversion.” But check with your employer first because although the law allows an in-plan conversion, your plan may not have this option.

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