Advisor Perspective: Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor Group

Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group is a membership group of financial advisors who are committed to their IRA education and serving their clients' best financial and retirement planning interests. At our last workshop this May in Dallas, Texas, Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine spent some time with several members to get their perspective on the educational expertise they receive and how it has elevated their standing in the industry and enhanced their business. Below are two roundtable discussions with seven members of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group.

ROBS Plans and IRS Form 5500

In late 2009 IRS started a project on rollovers as business start-ups (ROBS). This is a strategy that has been heavily marketed by several companies and targets individuals that want to finance business ventures using their retirement funds. They are directed to establish a self-directed IRA, a corporation, and a 401(k) plan for the corporation. The plan allows participants to roll in IRA funds.

Combining Inherited IRA Accounts

An interesting question came up recently that went something like this… Mom died with two IRAs. She had two children, who we will call Deborah and Edward. The beneficiary of one of her IRAs was her children, 50% each. The beneficiary of the other IRA was a trust for the benefit of her children. Each child was a 50% beneficiary of the trust. Click to read more about this complicated scenario.

Slott Report Mailbag: Can Inherited Retirement Plan Funds Be Converted to an Inherited Roth IRA?

Summer is almost here, as the unofficial start to the summer season begins with Memorial Day weekend. To celebrate, we open some IRA, tax and retirement planning mail and answer several of your most pressing questions. This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at some intricate IRA issues along with a question about the provisions in the new tax law.

Non-Deductible IRA Contributions: What You Need to Know

In order to make an IRA contribution, you must be younger than age 70 1/2 for the year and also have wages or compensation from your job. Once you make your IRA contribution, then you have to figure out whether it's tax deductible or not.

Employer-Sponsored IRAs: A Retirement Plan with Unique Advantages

If a business owner is considering starting a retirement plan for himself and his employees, he may want to consider an employer-sponsored IRA. While employer-sponsored IRAs are not very well known, even to many tax pros and CPAs, they offer some unique advantages from other employer retirement plans.

Inherited IRA: When Do You Own It?

If you inherit the IRA of an individual who has a required distribution for the year, you – as the beneficiary – must take any remaining required minimum distribution (RMD). Here is a situation that deals with this issue. John and Sue were both 75 years old last year. They both took their RMDs for the year. John died early in December. Sue was his beneficiary. She rolled his IRA into her own IRA in January. The question was – “What is Sue’s RMD for this year?"

State Income Tax Consequences of an IRA Contribution

With no state income tax to worry about, Texas residents don't have to worry about the state tax impacts of making IRA contributions. Since there is no state income tax, a deduction for making an IRA contribution is irrelevant. Plus, when IRA distributions are made in the future, Texas residents will only owe federal income tax on those distributions (assuming the Texas' tax laws remain the same). If you happen to live in one of the other 43 states, figuring out the state income tax consequences of making an IRA contribution is likely to be a bit more taxing (pun definitely intended).

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