Back to School: Educational Expense Exception to 10% Penalty (Part 2 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

Loans From 401(k)s: Be Careful!

Over the past several years, as the U.S. economy has been struggling, more employees have turned to their company 401(k) plans for a quick source of cash by taking loans from their plan balance. Many 401(k)s offer a loan feature, in fact some plans make it so easy for employees to get a loan that they offer a 401(k) loan debit card!

Beneficiary Form Mistakes: How to Avoid Losing Your ENTIRE Retirement Fortune

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, details the importance of having a current beneficiary form and describes how missing this key point can be costly for your intended retirement account beneficiaries. This IRAtv video goes through naming beneficiaries, using trusts as beneficiaries and lessons to learn to avoid costly mistakes and keep retirement plans updated.

Inherited IRAs Are Not Tax-Free Inheritances

In a recent case, a non-spouse beneficiary learned that an inherited IRA is taxable and is not treated as a tax-free “inheritance.” He received a total distribution from his deceased Mom’s IRA and thought that the IRA was an inheritance and not taxable. Accordingly, he never even filed a tax return to show the withdrawal. He was wrong on both points and had to pay the back taxes plus IRS penalties for not filing his return.

IRA Trust, Transfer and Beneficiary Questions Highlight Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag really strikes at the importance of proactive planning. One concerned consumer is worried his mother won't receive any of her deceased husband's IRA and others are inquiring on taxes, penalties and transfers. Retirement planning, IRAs and the nuances that come with them are so important to all families. We hope you are enjoying the summer and learn something from the questions, answers and situations below.

Back to IRA School: Educational Expense Exception to 10% Penalty (Part 1 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

Inherited IRAs Do’s and Don’ts Checklist

Are you inheriting an IRA? Here is a quick checklist for you. This list is designed for individuals who inherit as named beneficiaries. Some items will be different for a spouse beneficiary or if an estate or a trust inherits an IRA.

What Happens When the Estate Inherits an IRA?

We frequently see situations where the estate is the IRA beneficiary either because the beneficiary form was never completed, has been lost by the IRA custodian, or, worst of all, the account owner actually named the estate as the beneficiary of the IRA. What options do you have when the estate inherits the IRA? We explain below.

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