3 Questions on the Estate Tax Exemptions

Welcome to this month's installment of Are You an IRA Expert? Always thought you knew more than the next guy about IRAs and retirement accounts? Well now’s your chance to prove it. Below are three questions, ranging from beginner to expert. Test your IRA skills by trying to get all three right!

2011 IRA Contribution: It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Mind

Even though the 2011 tax season for most of us ended on April 17, 2012, some of us who made a timely IRA contribution for 2011 might have changed our mind on that IRA contribution. Specifically, some individuals who contributed to one type of IRA for last year may now want to change that contribution into a different type of IRA contribution.

Minors as IRA Beneficiaries

We frequently see situations where minors are the intended beneficiaries of IRA accounts or employer plans. It could be that grandparents want to benefit their minor grandchildren or it could be single parents who want to provide for their minor children. No matter what the circumstances, there are some issues when minors inherit retirement assets.

Divorced? Update Your Retirement Plan Beneficiaries

We've all heard that half the marriages in the United States end in divorce. An accurate rate of divorce is difficult to get because those statistics are gathered by different groups and are not comprehensive. Regardless, divorce is certainly common. Individuals who have retirement plans almost always will name a beneficiary to receive the funds upon death.

Health Care Taxes, NUA, Inherited IRAs and RMDs Highlight Mailbag

The Slott Report Mailbag was full of questions that will keep us busy through the summer! This week we answered a pressing question on taxes relating to President Obama's Health Care Law, Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) strategies, inherited IRAs and required minimum distributions.

IRAtv: 2013 Tax and Revenue Raising Provisions

Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine details three main 2013 tax and revenue raising provisions to keep your eye on and plan for as summer flies by (we are nearly three-fourths of the way through the calendar year!) One of those provisions is a surtax on net investment income brought on by President Obama's health care law.

July 4th: Your Independence From Taxes

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, talks about halftime in 2012 and the upcoming July 4th holiday as a backdrop for moving more of your money from FOREVER taxed to NEVER taxed while tax rates are at historic lows. Ed provides some key 2012 retirement planning strategies, including Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s

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