5 Reasons Why Millennials Should Go with a Roth IRA

If you are a young worker, you, like many other members of the millennial generation, may be juggling student loans and expensive rent. Retirement? That is likely the last thing on your mind, although you may have a sneaking suspicion that the generous pensions that older generations enjoy probably will not be there for you. What can you do now to save for a more secure retirement? Well, for many millennials the Roth IRA is the way to go. Here are 5 reasons why.

Think Twice Before Using Your IRA For Quick Cash

If you or a family member encounter financial trouble, you may think that your IRA is a good resource to get you through the crisis. Be careful! While some company plans allow for loans, loans are not allowed from an IRA. To get around this rule, some taxpayers take IRA distributions to get quick cash and figure they will have resources to roll over the distributed amount within 60 days. This can be a dangerous plan as one IRA owner found out in a recent Private Letter Ruling (PLR).

Marriage and Your Retirement Account

Marriage changes a lot of things. Some things are not quite as obvious as others. We walk you through the key changes to your IRAs, Roth IRAs and overall retirement planning.

What Life Expectancy Table Should I Use?

IRS does not have a crystal ball. Its team members don't know how long you are going to live. The life expectancy tables are based on statistics and do not take into account any of your personal information. Read on to discover what life expectancy table you should be using and how each works.

PATH Act Brought About SIMPLE IRA Rollover Rule Changes

The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 was signed into law on December 18, 2015. This bill was commonly known as the “Extenders Bill” because it made several favorable tax provisions permanent that had been temporary, some for many years. Buried way down in the PATH Act was a provision that affected SIMPLE IRAs. We outline what has changed.

The Important Ages in Retirement Plans

There are two things to keep in mind when you are discussing ages and retirement plans. One is the age itself and the other is what does that age mean. For example, when is age 55 not 55? You will understand as you read further into the important ages associated with retirement plans.

Saying “I Do…” Has Its Benefits For Your IRA

With the calendar well into May, wedding season has arrived in full force. You have probably heard the saying that marriage has its benefits. Well, this is especially true when it comes to the IRA rules. If you are married, you may have some IRA options that would not have been available to you if you had not taken the plunge and tied the knot. Here are 4 IRA benefits you may have if you are married.

Taking RMDs? What You Must Know about Moving Your IRA

Are you unhappy with how your IRA investment is performing? Are you considering moving your IRA funds to another custodian or advisor? You have this opportunity. Withdrawing your funds from certain investments may result in penalties, but the IRA rules are set up to allow portability. If you are taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, here is what you must know about moving your IRA.

You Can’t Finance – But You Can Save For – Your Retirement

Are you a 20- or 30-something year old or do you know any of those individuals? You’ve now paid your taxes for 2015, take a deep breath, and start planning for your retirement. You will most likely have no pension other than Social Security, if it is still around. Social Security will not cover all of your living expenses just as Medicare will not cover all of your medical expenses. You need to start saving and planning for your retirement NOW. Here's how.

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