See-Through Trusts: Are you an IRA Expert?

Welcome to this month’s installment of Are You an IRA Expert? Always thought you knew more than the next guy about IRAs and retirement accounts? Well now’s your chance to prove it. Below are three questions, ranging from beginner to expert. Test your IRA skills by trying to get all three right!

Divorce and Retirement Accounts – Question of the Month

Divorce can often take an emotional and financial toll on a family. But far too often, the financial toll is made worse by poor decision making, foolish actions or simply, just poor advice. Below is a brief overview of the procedures that should generally be followed when splitting retirement accounts pursuant to a divorce so that you can avoid many of the common mistakes.

Form 8606 for 2010 Roth Conversions

If you did a Roth conversion in 2010, you will need to file Form 8606 with your 2010 tax return. There is no escaping this unless you do a total recharacterization of your Roth conversion. Click to read more about Form 8606.

IRAs (SEP, Inherited, Stretch) Highlight Mailbag

IRAs, IRAs, IRAs. We have a full plate (leftovers from Thanksgiving) of IRA questions in this week's Mailbag. These questions touch on topics such as SEP IRAs, inherited IRAs and naming the trust as the beneficiary of IRAs.

In-Plan Roth Rollover Guidance Released

IRS has released guidance on the conversion of 401(k) and 403(b) plan assets to Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) accounts in Notice 2010-84. This guidance also applies to governmental 457(b) plans beginning January 1, 2011. Here are the highlights: Plan participants, spouses, and alternate payees who are current or former spouses can do the in-plan Roth conversion.

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Please contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or (516) 536-8282 with any questions.