
Ed Slott’s Elite Advisor Group℠ Meets in Indiana

Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group℠ gathered in Indianapolis last week for another successful conference. Over 350 member advisors from across the country spent two intense days of training, covering topics ranging from SECURE 2.0 provisions taking effect in 2024 to fixing excess contributions.

Rollovers and Successor Beneficiary Rules: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: My client is terminating employment and rolling over the funds from his 401(k). He was told that the funds must be rolled over to a “rollover IRA” and kept separate from any other IRA funds that he has. He already has another IRA, and he just wants to roll over the funds to that IRA. Is that allowed?


Question: Can you please clarify a question I have about whether I should take a Roth IRA withdrawal?  I am much older than age 59 ½, and my first Roth IRA was opened over 20 years ago. I now own a second Roth which holds recently converted funds from my 403(b) account. I am planning to make added Roth conversions over the next couple of years and pay the tax on these conversions. If I make a subsequent withdrawal from my Roth IRA, will it be tax- and penalty-free?

The 10-Year Rule and Inherited IRAs: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: I have a general question regarding the 10-year time frame for emptying an inherited IRA. Your guidance says that the deadline is the END of the tenth year following death. In this specific situation, the death occurred July 9, 2020, so I believe the deadline is December 31, 2030, the end of the tenth year.

4 Ways to Reduce Your RMD Tax Bite

Markets continue to climb. That is good news for your retirement account. However, there is a downside. When you contribute to a traditional IRA or a pre-tax 401(k), you make a deal with Uncle Sam.

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