What We Are Thankful for at The Slott Report

Each year it is a Thanksgiving tradition here at the Slott Report to take a moment to give thanks for the rules that are helpful to retirement savers. There are many times when rules governing retirement accounts can seem illogical, confusing, and maybe even unfair. However, there are other rules that work well and give us the tools necessary to not only save for a secure retirement but maybe even get a few tax breaks along the way.

Nuances of NUA

By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF®IRA Analyst We have written about the net unrealized appreciation (NUA) tax strategy many times. Generally,...

IRA Acronyms

When presenting a particular section of our training manual, I usually make the joke that, “if we were playing an acronym drinking game, we would all be on our way to a hangover.” The segment is titled: “Missed stretch IRA RMD by an EDB, when the IRA owner dies before the RBD.” This part of the manual discusses the automatic waiver of the missed RMD penalty in a certain situation, and the acronym soup is borderline comical. So that everyone knows which end is up, here is a spiked punch bowl of common retirement-account-related acronyms.

Inherited IRAs and Net Unrealized Appreciation: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: I inherited both a traditional and a Roth IRA from my significant other (non-spouse) who passed away in 2021. He had started taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). I am less than 10 years younger than he was. Question is: do I or do I not have to empty both accounts within 10 years of his death? No one is giving me an answer one way or another.

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