How Roth IRA Distributions Are Taxed

Do you have a Roth IRA? If you do, there will very likely come a time when you want to take a distribution from that account. The distribution rules for taxation of Roth IRA distributions can be complicated, but if they are followed, the reward is tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

RMD Avoidance: Red Flags and Dead Ends

I appreciate it when reputable financial advisors fight for their clients. It is a pleasure to see a well-educated, experienced professional leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping someone through a problematic situation. Such conversations can be inspiring. “What if we try this? What if we tried that?” If a creative path to a desired outcome exists within the rules, I will diligently help the advisor map out a route while simultaneously pointing out the tripping hazards.

Deciphering the Rules for Roth 401(k)-to-Roth IRA Rollovers

More and more 401(k) plans are making Roth employee contributions available, and employees leaving their jobs often want to roll over Roth 401(k) funds to a Roth IRA. What tax rules apply to distributions of amounts rolled over? Warning: The rules are complicated because they involve two five-year holding periods, one for the Roth 401(k) distribution and the other for the Roth IRA distribution.

IRA Transactions: Detours and Alternate Routes

Sometimes we get stuck in traffic, or a highway is closed, and we are forced to find an alternate route. I’m not talking about driving across someone’s front yard or going the wrong way on a one-way street. Think side roads and legal detours. While a main road may be blocked, that might not be the only way to reach your destination. The same holds true with certain IRA transactions. Here are a handful of creative “detours” that retirement account owners may be forced to take in order to reach their intended goal.

Why You Should Take Your 2025 RMD Now

The deadline for most retirement account owners to take their 2025 required minimum distribution (RMD) is December 31, 2025. However, there are good reasons why you should take your RMD now instead of waiting.

Inherited IRAs – Bankruptcy Protection?

Just over 10 years ago, in June 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously, 9-0, that inherited IRAs are NOTprotected in bankruptcy under federal law. The primary issue before the Court was whether an inherited IRA is a “retirement account.” Considering the fact that “inherited IRA” is short for “inherited individual retirement arrangement,” this would seem like an odd question to debate.

One Roth IRA Rule Congress Should Do Away with Now

Today is Inauguration Day. A new administration has arrived. We also have a new Congress. With the arrival of newly elected officials, many will have hopes of legislative change. When it comes to retirement accounts, one rule that the new Congress should consider changing immediately is the income limit rule that applies to Roth IRA contributions. This pointless rule should be eliminated.

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