Roth Conversions

The Pro-Rata Rule and Roth Conversions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION:My wife has two after-tax traditional IRAs at two separate institutions. We are hoping to consolidate them, then convert to a Roth in the next 18 months. She is already retired. She also has an inherited IRA (from her father). Does the calculation for taxation on the conversion to Roth need to include the assets in the inherited IRA? Do assets in my IRA have any impact on the calculation?

The Still-Working Exception and Roth Conversions in an RMD Year: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question:If you continue to work past age 73, are you exempt from required minimum distributions (RMDs)? My 73 year-old wife is still working and contributing to her company's 401(k), and she doesn't own more than 5% of the company. Is she required to take out any RMD? Could you please clarify this rule for me? Thank you.

Roth IRA Conversion Considerations

Roth IRA conversions remain as popular as ever. However, based on some recent questions we’ve received, it is apparent that folks don’t fully understand all the nuances of this transaction. Here are some of the basic concepts and items of consideration:

New Rule: All IRA RMDs Must Be Satisfied Prior to Doing a Roth Conversion

Yes, you read that title correctly. This rule was confirmed in the 2024 final SECURE Act regulations, released this past July. If a person has multiple IRAs, even if they are held at different custodians, the total aggregated IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) must be withdrawn before any Roth IRA conversion (or 60-day rollover) can be completed.

The Wise Shopper – Roth Conversions

Imagine walking through a grocery store, intent on purchasing a specific item. As you turn down an aisle, little colorful tags proclaiming “Special Deal” and “Buy 1, Get 1” protrude from each shelf. In anticipation of your item being offered at a discounted price, you get a little bounce in your step.

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Please contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or (516) 536-8282 with any questions.