
Beneficiary Form Resolutions

We are two weeks into 2025. Have you been following through on your New Year’s resolutions? As our readers already know, for...

Jelly-of-the-Month Club

I counted them. This year the Slott Report published 101 blog articles. While other sites add “pay-for-content” firewalls, we continue to pump out incredibly valuable and important information, week after week, totally free of charge. One would be hard-pressed to find an IRA or retirement plan topic we did not touch in 2024. Yes, the Slott Report is the gift that keeps on giving: the IRA version of the Jelly-of-the-Month Club.

QTIP Trusts and Successor Beneficiaries: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: We have a client who has children from a previous marriage. Upon the husband’s death, he wants to make sure his current spouse has access to income from his IRA. But he also wants to make sure the remaining balance, when she passes, goes to his children from his first marriage and not to someone else, e.g., her children.

A Philosophical Slott Report Entry

Trapped. For two nights in July, I slept on the floor at Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport - a victim of the mass Delta computer outage. Booking a hotel after midnight (when the final cancellation hit) was not worth the commute or early morning TSA re-entry trouble.

5 Common IRA Mistakes and Proper Corrective Action…If Available!

Year after year, many of the same IRA errors happen again and again. Based on the volume of times these mistakes occur, it seems appropriate to create a short list of repeat offenders…and offer some advice on how to properly move forward. In no particular order, here is a handful of common IRA mistakes, along with the proper corrective measures.

A Way to Jump-Start 529-to-Roth Rollovers

We have covered in The Slott Report the new SECURE 2.0 provision that allows unused 529 plan funds to be rolled over to Roth IRAs. It originally appeared that this new rule was to be effective for 2024. However, the IRS has now said that rollovers done before April 15, 2024 can count as Roth IRA contributions for tax year 2023 if the 529 beneficiary has not already maxed out on his 2023 IRA contribution limit.

Making a 2023 IRA Contribution? Here are 4 Rules That May Surprise You

The tax season is upon us. This is the time when many individuals fund their IRAs by contributing for the prior year. Contributing to an IRA may seem pretty straightforward, and in many ways it is! But there can be twists. Here are four rules that may surprise you when you make your 2023 IRA contribution.

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