
IRS Updates the Special Tax Notice (Rollover Notice) for Qualified Plans

Qualified plans are required to provide participants with a number of notices and information. There’s the Summary Plan Description, the Summary Annual Report, annual safe harbor notices (if applicable), plan account statements (either quarterly or annually), and the Special Tax Notice for distributions.

Are Changes Coming to the IRA Rules?

After last year’s passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which overhauled the tax code, you might think Congress would be done with tax legislation for a while. That is not the case.

Roth IRAs and the 5-Year Rules

We constantly see questions regarding the distribution rules for Roth IRAs. Personally, I’ve always thought that the failure to understand these rules prevents many from truly appreciating the benefits of these accounts.

How to Make Required Minimum Distributions Work for You

As summer ends and fall approaches, so does the season for taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). There is a 50% penalty for failing to take an RMD, so don't miss one. But don't just take an RMD, plan ahead now to make it work for you. Possibilities...

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