
Tax Guidance: What Can You Depend On?

Guidance on the tax code takes many forms. Some are universal and apply to everyone. Other forms of guidance apply only to the taxpayer who asked for the guidance. Following is the hierarchy of tax guidance and how it interacts with retirement plans.

How a Stay-At-Home Spouse Can Make IRA Contributions

If you are taking care of children and not working outside the home, you may believe that you are not eligible to make an IRA contribution. You may think that because IRA contributions must be based on taxable compensation, if you personally have not worked this year, you are out of luck. That may not be case. Here's why.

6 Facts Every IRA Owner Should Know About the 60-Day Rollover Rule

IRA rollovers are subject to many rules. One of them is the 60-day rule. You have probably heard of this deceptively simple sounding rule, which has caused tax headaches for countless IRA owners. To avoid suffering a similar fate, here are 6 facts about the 60-day rule you should know to be sure your intended rollover goes smoothly.

The Case For and Against Taking Your RMD Early in the Year

One of the most common questions that an IRA owner subject to RMDs (required minimum distributions) asks is, "When should I take my RMD? Is it better to take the RMD early in the year? Later in the year?" There’s really no right or wrong answer, but rather, depending on your personal situation, either might make sense. Here are a few factors to consider when making your decision.

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