
Divorce vs. Legal Separation in Employer Plans

In the current issue of its newsletter, Employee Plans News (Issue 2013-3, September 13, 2013), IRS has an article on one of the differences between divorce and legal separation as it impacts employer retirement plan rules.

You Don’t Have to Keep Your SEP IRA Funds in a SEParate IRA

A SEP, or Simplified Employee Pension Plan, is an IRA-based employer retirement plan that’s very similar to a profit sharing plan. All SEP contributions are made by your employer. The employer decides how much to contribute for the year, anywhere from 0% to 25% of an eligible employee’s compensation with a maximum of $51,000 for 2013. After your employer decides how much to contribute, that contribution will be deposited into your IRA. Note that SEP contributions can never be made into your Roth IRA or your SIMPLE IRA.

Department of Labor Recognizes Same-Sex Marriages for Retirement Plan Purposes

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) issued Technical Release 2013-04, describing its position on the recognition of same-sex couples with respect to employer retirement plans and other employee benefits as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor. We explain the details of the decision below.

Slott Report Mailbag: Back to Basics with Key IRA Questions

We are going back to basics in this week's Slott Report Mailbag with questions revolving around the foundation of IRA planning. Converting and accessing funds and avoiding penalties are the fundamental keys you and your financial team grapple with each day.

How to Name a Non-Spouse Beneficiary of Your Retirement Account

Life events happen. Marriage is one of those major life events that make you focus on not just the present, but the future. Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine got married this past Sunday then sat down to talk about how you can name a non-spouse beneficiary of your retirement account.

Sequester Hits IRS

The sequester is coming! The sequester is coming! That is all you heard in February and March. What does that mean for you?

Wedded Miss: How Changing Your Last Name Affects Moving Your Retirement Money

Tradition has it that when a man and a woman get married, the woman typically takes the last name of her husband. Although today, many choose to modify this tradition, perhaps by hyphenating their maiden name with their husband’s surname, or do away with it altogether and keep their own name, there are still many who keep this tradition alive.

Don’t Pledge Your IRA For Any Loans

Most of us have loans of some sort, whether it's a mortgage on our home, a car loan, student loan, etc. Or maybe you're thinking about applying for a new loan. In order to get the loan, the bank or other lending institution might require you to have some collateral or pledge some assets as security for the loan. However, if you have an IRA, you can’t use it as collateral for any personal loans.

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