I counted them. This year the Slott Report published 101 blog articles. While other sites add “pay-for-content” firewalls, we continue to pump out incredibly valuable and important information, week after week, totally free of charge. One would be hard-pressed to find an IRA or retirement plan topic we did not touch in 2024. Yes, the Slott Report is the gift that keeps on giving: the IRA version of the Jelly-of-the-Month Club.
In the Q&A Mailbag, we answered 200 retirement-related questions. Hopefully our responses pointed readers in the right direction. This is a crazy, mixed-up industry we work in, and we understand the rules are complex. If our answers helped anyone avoid the IRS Grinch, then it was well worth the effort.
From Ed, Sarah, Ian and me: Thank you for reading! We wish you a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year! (See you in 2025 for another 100+ new jelly flavors.)
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