New Ed Slott and Company Resource, IRA Focus

10,000 Baby Boomers retire every day. IRAs make up the largest single share of the retirement market with an estimated $7.3 trillion in assets.

This isn’t an imposing challenge for your business. It’s an immense opportunity. So, how do you reach these individuals, help them navigate Uncle Sam, live the retirement of their dreams and leave a legacy for their heirs?

Ed Slott and Company has developed a new online resource that focuses on your education AND your business – drilling deep into one IRA topic each month, breaking down how the key concepts relate to your clients and prospects and transforming the expertise into a consumer-centric outflow piece you can use as educational and marketing outreach.

Subscribe to IRA Focus Today for $5.99/Month

Knowing that IRS has changed a key IRA rule is only the first step. Answering, “What does this mean for my clients?” and creating outreach efforts around these rules and regulations completes the process of acquisition and retention.

Purchase here today and start completing the educational ROI: inflow = outflow = income.

Structure: All subscribers will be sent an email on the final Monday of every monthto inform them of that month’s issue release, including a link to the subscriber access page. Subscribers can also view and obtain all new and archived material through their account on our website,

Download your free issue here or with the banner below and subscribe here right now to receive expertise, analysis and outflow each month – for less than $6!

This product is FREE for all members of Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor Group. Each issue can be found in the Multimedia section of the website’s Elite Members Only area.

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Copyright © [year of article], Ed Slott and Company, LLC Reprinted from The Slott Report, [insert date of article], with permission. [Insert article URL] Ed Slott and Company, LLC takes no responsibility for the current accuracy of this article.

Please contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or (516) 536-8282 with any questions.