This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at several retirement planning complexities, including required minimum distribution (RMD) responsibilities for a non-spouse beneficiary and Social Security benefits for a divorcee.
There are two things to keep in mind when you are discussing ages and retirement plans. One is the age itself and the other is what does that age mean. For example, when is age 55 not 55? You will understand as you read further into the important ages associated with retirement plans.
This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at SEP IRAs and answers two questions on how SEPs fit together with Roth conversions and required minimum distributions in the retirement planning puzzle.
Dan and Barbara are a couple soon heading into the second half of the retirement game. They had planned, and read, and strategized, and thought they were making sound financial decisions. That's before one meeting discovered they gave away $50,000 in "free" money.
With the calendar well into May, wedding season has arrived in full force. You have probably heard the saying that marriage has its benefits. Well, this is especially true when it comes to the IRA rules. If you are married, you may have some IRA options that would not have been available to you if you had not taken the plunge and tied the knot. Here are 4 IRA benefits you may have if you are married.
This week's Slott Report Mailbag answers a college student's question on qualifying income for a Roth IRA contribution and discusses the still viable "back-door Roth" strategy.
Are you unhappy with how your IRA investment is performing? Are you considering moving your IRA funds to another custodian or advisor? You have this opportunity. Withdrawing your funds from certain investments may result in penalties, but the IRA rules are set up to allow portability. If you are taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, here is what you must know about moving your IRA.
This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the complications involved with pre- and after-tax contributions to different retirement plans and the rules involved with conversions and distributions.
Most people are aware by now that Prince, the performer, passed away recently at the age of 57. So far, no one has been able to locate his will. Unlike most of us, Prince had a huge amount of assets held personally, in his own name. That means a long probate process and lots of fees for the lawyers. And that’s without any dissension among his family members. Here are the estate planning lessons to learn from Prince's mistakes.
Are you a 20- or 30-something year old or do you know any of those individuals? You’ve now paid your taxes for 2015, take a deep breath, and start planning for your retirement. You will most likely have no pension other than Social Security, if it is still around. Social Security will not cover all of your living expenses just as Medicare will not cover all of your medical expenses. You need to start saving and planning for your retirement NOW. Here's how.