The Slott Report

What Distribution Options Do I Have With My Inherited IRA?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag picked up on the "gold in IRAs" trend captured in two of our recent blog articles. We answer Bill's questions on selling the gold from his IRA then we move into questions on the Roth IRA 5-year rule and distribution options for inherited IRAs.

5 Most Common Questions About Owning Gold Within an IRA

It’s been a roller coaster of a few weeks for many investors, and anytime that’s the case, the subject of owning gold always seems to come up. With that in mind, today we share answers to five of the most common questions asked regarding to owning gold within an IRA.

10 Things You Must Know About a Recharacterization

October will be here before you know it. I know this because I have already seen Halloween candy in the grocery store. October 15 is the deadline for doing a Roth recharacterization. Here is what you need to know.

The Recharacterization: A Valuable Tool in Your IRA Kit

Recent weeks have been volatile times for the markets. In times of economic uncertainty, tools that allow you a “do over” are more valuable than ever. As an IRA owner, you have such a tool in your IRA tool kit: the recharacterization. We will discuss the many reasons you may consider a recharacterization.

Can I Place My IRA in a Trust?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions about placing an IRA in a trust, what to do with 401(k) funds from a previous employer and the nuts and bolts of the Roth IRA 5-year rules.

Roth Conversion in Market Downturn: Heads You Win, Tails The Government Loses!

As you are probably aware by now, the stock market has been on a bit of a downturn as of late (to say the least). It’s no fun to lose money in the market, but if you’re investing for the long haul, losses are bound to happen from time to time. If you’re quick on your feet, however, you can turn the proverbial lemons into lemonade by taking actions now to make the most of a bad situation. Here's how.

How to Invest in Gold in Your IRA

Have you seen or read those ads for putting gold in your IRA? They make it sound so easy. And that's the problem. In this article, we discuss the potential pitfalls and how to properly invest in gold with your IRA.

New Rules to Know Before Moving Your IRA

If you are an IRA owner looking for the best investment option, there are new rules in 2015 that you will want to know before moving your IRA. If you make an error in your effort to maximize the return on your IRA, you may end up with your entire IRA being distributed and taxable to you.