The Slott Report

SEP and SIMPLE IRAs Are Not Savings Accounts

Did you set up a SEP or SIMPLE IRA thinking it was a savings account for your retirement? While it is a way to save for retirement, it is NOT a savings account. Our IRA Technical Expert Beverly DeVeny explains why.

The Deceased Don’t Make Good IRA Beneficiaries

Almost all IRA owners named their IRA beneficiary when they first opened the account. In many cases, it was their spouse or parent. However, disaster can strike if that primary beneficiary dies before you do and you don't update the IRA beneficiary form. This horror story provides a valuable lesson.

New Ed Slott and Company Resource, IRA Focus

10,000 Baby Boomers retire every day. IRAs make up the largest single share of the retirement market with an estimated $7.3 trillion in assets. This isn't an imposing challenge for your business. It's an immense opportunity. So, how do you reach these individuals, help them navigate Uncle Sam, live the retirement of their dreams and leave a legacy for their heirs? The answer is this new resource from Ed Slott and Company.

5 SMART Ideas For Your Tax Refund

The 2015 tax season is now in full swing. As you finish preparing your own return for this year, maybe you were too generous with Uncle Sam last year, and he owes you a refund. If that’s the case, here are 5 ways you might consider using this year’s tax refund other than heading off to the Caribbean or buying a new flat-screen TV.

Don’t Forget to Report Rollovers to IRS

It's tax season. Every year, many people get lost in the numbers, the deductions, the credits, and the refunds. They forget to report rollovers to the IRS, especially tax-free rollovers. We examine the process, where you should be looking for these numbers and how to report them.

My IRA Custodian Won’t Let Me Do What?!

Retirement plans are one area of the tax code where you may not be able to do everything the tax code says you can do. IRA custodians and employer plans can sometimes limit your options. One reason they might do this is to make it easier for them to manage and process your transactions. We detail a few examples of IRA custodians limiting your options.