The Slott Report

Making Spousal Roth IRA Contributions

In order for you to make a contribution to a Roth IRA for the year, you must have compensation and adjusted gross income within certain limits. If you’re married and filing jointly with your spouse, even if only one of you has compensation, you might both be eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA using the spousal IRA contribution rules.

What ifs of Plan RMDs

Do I have an RMD from my Employer Plan? For most people this is an easy question. If you are no longer working for that employer and are 70 ½ or older this year, yes, you have a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your employer plan. What if you are over 70 ½ and still working? Do you have to take an RMD from your employer plan? Maybe.

There’s More Than One Way to Move a Roth IRA

If you have a Roth IRA, you may want to move it to a different IRA custodian. Whatever the reason, you can move your Roth IRA funds to another Roth IRA at any time. There are two ways to do that; using a rollover or a transfer.

Do I Have a Required Distribution From my IRA This Year?

We are down to the last two months of the year. It is time for those who have required minimum distributions (RMDs) from a retirement plan to make sure that those distributions are taken. Following is a list of those who have required distributions for the year.

What is the Magical End Date to Make a 2014 Roth Conversion?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag examines some key IRA questions, especially as we creep ever closer to year-end. What is the magical end date to make a 2014 Roth conversion? Can I take the total of my RMDs (required minimum distributions) from one IRA? And finally, we touch on a key planning point involving inherited IRAs and trusts.