The Slott Report

Ruling to Remember: IRS First in 60-Day IRA Rollover Ruling

Private Letter Ruling 201347025 is an IRS first when it comes to the 60-day rollover rule. A taxpayer we will call "Ron" asserted that his failure to accomplish IRA rollovers within the 60-day rollover window was due to inaccurate advice from an IRS agent. Click to find out what happened to Ron.

Detailing the Pro-Rata Rule

For IRA distribution purposes, all IRAs (except Roth IRAs) are considered one big giant IRA. It doesn’t matter if you have one IRA that was rolled over from a former employer, and one SEP IRA with your current employer, and one contributory IRA where you put annual contributions, and one after-tax IRA where you put contributions for which you do not take a deduction. All four IRAs will be considered one IRA any time you take a distribution.

Think Twice Before Naming a Trust as an IRA Beneficiary

Many individuals are advised by their attorneys to set up a trust. There are a lot of good reasons to have a trust. But you really have to think twice before naming a trust as the beneficiary of an IRA. Read that sentence again – think twice before naming a trust as the beneficiary of an IRA. When that happens, who is the beneficiary of the IRA? Click to find out.

Contribute to BOTH Your 401(k) and IRA in 2013

There’s a common belief that if you have a 401(k) plan where you work and you contribute to it, you’re not allowed to also contribute to your IRA for the same year. But that’s not true; you’re allowed to contribute to both.

How to LOSE an IRA in Divorce

I had an interesting question from an advisor. His married clients don’t like each other anymore. They have considered their options; stay together, get a legal separation, or get a divorce. They have decided to do none of these things.

3 Tips When Planning for a Special Needs Child

Does one of your clients have a special needs child? Are you starting to plan yourself for a special needs child? Jeffrey Levine details 3 tips you should follow when planning for a special needs child.