The Slott Report

Year-End IRA Deadline Falls on a Saturday

We recently informed you that the recharacterization deadline for 2010 Roth IRA conversions is generally October 15th of the year following the year of conversion. This year, the deadline is October 17th because the 15th falls on a Saturday.

IRAs and Different State Provisions (2 of 3)

When many people think about the rules that govern IRAs, they see them as universal rules, applicable to everyone equally in all circumstances. While many rules do, in fact, apply to everyone equally, variations in state law can also create significant differences in how IRAs are treated in different states.

Last Call for Qualified Charitable Distributions?

The topic of qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) is one we have written about several times here in The Slott Report, most recently last December. Well, it’s time to write about it again as the legislation that allows QCDs is due to expire at the end of this year, absent an extension enacted by Congress. Thus, if you are or will be age 70 ½ or older by December 31, 2011, you definitely need to be aware of QCDs.