The Slott Report

Traditional and Roth – Related, but Not Twins

Tim and Robert are identical twins. They wear the same clothes. They have similar hair styles. They have similar jobs and similar incomes. Tim and Robert are both concerned about taxes, and they agree that saving money for the future is very important.

Happy Thanksgiving! We Are Thankful for These 5 IRA Rules

Thanksgiving is only a few days away. This is a time when we gather together and express our gratitude for all the good things in our lives. When it comes to our retirement accounts, we too often complain about the negatives, such as the restrictions that are not logical and the complicated and confusing rules.

Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act of 2018 – RESA

There is a 131-page bill currently working its way through the U.S. legislature. The proposal would amend the Internal Revenue Code and encourage retirement savings. While the “Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act of 2018,” or RESA, still needs to make it through Congress – potentially before year end – it has strong tailwinds.

Rolling Over Your IRA? Be Careful with Your RMD

The road to retirement is long. Along the way you may need to move the funds in your IRA. When that time comes, you will want to be sure that everything is done correctly. Moving your retirement funds can be tricky and the consequences of a mistake can be serious.

Glide Path to a Landing Point

Assisting business owners with the establishment of a new 401K plan brings a multitude of questions. From plan design to investment options to employee education, everything is in play.

You Can Contribute More to Your IRA for 2019

Good news for retirement savers! The IRA contribution limit, which was $5,500 for 2018, will rise to $6,000 for 2019. If you are over age 50 in 2019, you will be able to save even more. The limit for those who are age 50 or over in 2019 will be $7,000, up from $6,500 for 2018.