10 percent penalty

Using Your IRA for Charities

If you are thinking about making a charitable donation for this year, you might use money from your IRA to do so. If an IRA distribution is used to make a charitable donation, the IRA distribution will be taxed even though the money went to a charity for a worthy cause. If you are under age 59 ½ on the date of the distribution, you will also be subject to the IRS 10% early distribution penalty, unless there’s an exception such as disability. We covered that exception in an answer to a question in last Thursday's mailbag.

Hurricane Issac and IRAs

Hurricane Isaac, which began on August 26, 2012, did considerable flooding and wind damage to parts of the U.S., especially Louisiana and Mississippi. Some areas in those states were declared federal disaster areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Should You Begin 72(t) (SEPPs, SOSEPPS) Distributions in the Fiscal or Calendar Year?

A client is setting up a 72(t) distribution schedule – substantially equal periodic payments that will be exempt from the 10% early distribution penalty. Her first distribution won't be made until September and she would like to take monthly payments. But she also wants the full distribution for the first year, not just four payments. Can she do this? We answer this question below.

Roth IRA Rollover Rule, 10% Penalty Exception and Roth IRA Conversion Questions Highlight Mailbag

Can you believe summer is almost over? Yet, The Slott Report Mailbag was full of pertinent IRA and retirement planning questions from consumers who are trying to make the right decisions as the dog days rapidly turn into fall. This week's installment includes questions (and our answers) on the 60-day deadline on Roth IRA rollovers, 10% penalty exceptions and Roth IRA conversions.

Back to School: Educational Expense Exception to the 10% Penalty (Part 4 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

Back to School: Educational Expense Exception to the 10% Penalty (Part 3 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

Retirement Rescue FAQ: Are You in These Positions?

Ed Slott and Company has a special microsite just for those who pledged to Public Television during Ed Slott's recent special, Ed Slott's Retirement Rescue!. Below are two questions contained in the FAQ section of the microsite.

Back to School: Educational Expense Exception to 10% Penalty (Part 2 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

Back to IRA School: Educational Expense Exception to 10% Penalty (Part 1 of 4)

Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.

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Please contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or (516) 536-8282 with any questions.