
January’s Top 10 Retirement Facts and Figures

Here's the 10 most amazing, surprising and/or illuminating facts about retirement that I read in January. Before each fact, you will find my own brief commentary, and after each fact, you will find the original article from which the fact was pulled should you be interested in further reading.

Do Required Distributions Affect My Medicare Part B Premiums?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the process of reporting IRA distributions on your tax return - and what happens if you pay too much tax? - answers a question about a woman's rising Medicare Part B premiums and points out the key 401(k) employer plan provision that could allow you to move employer plan funds outside the plan while still a plan participant.

Thinking About Retirement In Your 20s!

Many recent college graduates, those just starting a full-time job or growing their family don't think long term. They push off a retirement savings plan to handle more pressing financial needs. This story illustrates why saving for retirement IS actually one of those pressing needs.

September’s Top 10 Retirement Facts and Figures

We are beginning a new monthly feature - a content creation stream of each month's best retirement and retirement planning facts and figures. Before each fact, you’ll find my own brief commentary, and after each fact, you’ll find the original article from which the fact was pulled should you be interested in further reading.

Can I Place My IRA in a Trust?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions about placing an IRA in a trust, what to do with 401(k) funds from a previous employer and the nuts and bolts of the Roth IRA 5-year rules.

No Exception to Early Distribution Penalty for Financial Hardship

When you encounter tough economic times, you may be tempted to tap your retirement plan. If you are considering this, you will want to proceed carefully. If you are under age 59 ½, any distributions you take may be taxable and also subject to the 10% early distribution penalty. Whether or not there is an exception to the penalty for financial hardship is a common misconception.

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