
No Exception to Early Distribution Penalty for Financial Hardship

When you encounter tough economic times, you may be tempted to tap your retirement plan. If you are considering this, you will want to proceed carefully. If you are under age 59 ½, any distributions you take may be taxable and also subject to the 10% early distribution penalty. Whether or not there is an exception to the penalty for financial hardship is a common misconception.

Do You Really Know What a Rollover Is?

Everyone thinks they know what a rollover is, but do they really? A rollover is when you move retirement funds from one account to another. Well, that is partially right. We examine the true definition of a rollover in the employer plan and IRA worlds.

Sometimes It PAYS to Pay a Retirement Account Penalty

Whether it’s in sports, with taxes or in life, we’re programmed to avoid penalties, and that’s usually a good move. Occasionally, however, by simply avoiding penalties, we can be detrimental to ourselves. Indeed, sometimes incurring a penalty on purpose can be the right move. If you don’t believe me, consider the following example.

Ed Slott’s 5 Biggest Retirement Mistakes (VIDEO)

The 5 biggest retirement mistakes - miscues that can cost those saving for and nearing retirement - have nothing to do with investing! I sat down with TheStreet.com to discuss what I believe are the five biggest retirement mistakes people make with their retirement accounts.

Young Savers: Ignore This REALLY Bad 401(k) Savings Advice

Young savers are impressionable. They read an article on a credible website and think it's full of actionable ideas they should start implementing. However, young savers, please don't follow James Altucher's advice on 401(k) planning. Here's why.

3 Reasons to Consider a 401(k) Instead of a SEP IRA

One of the most popular small business retirement plans is the SEP IRA. In contrast to other potential options for small businesses, such as a 401(k), the SEP IRA is often favorable. That said, there are many reasons you might consider using a 401(k) for your small business instead of a SEP IRA. Here are three of them.

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