
IRA Rollover Rules, Buying a Building in Your IRA and Hardship Distributions Highlight Slott Report Mailbag

IRAs are not only different, but the rules governing them can be difficult. The Slott Report Mailbag is here to wade through the intricate details and help consumers make the right choices for their retirement plans, and steer them to able, educated financial advisors who can help them fill in the blanks. This week we received questions on the once-per-year rollover rule, buying a building with your IRA, and what qualifies has a hardship distribution.

IRAtv: 3 Ways to Maximize Your Company Retirement Plan

Summer is over, kids are returning to school and we are all getting back into a regular work schedule. Now is the best time to learn how to maximize your company-sponsored retirement plan. Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine details 3 ways to maximize your retirement plan in this IRAtv video shown below.

IRAtv: Ed Slott’s IRA Rollover Steps to Success

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, details the IRA rollover rules and procedures so you can avoid needless taxes and penalties on your rollovers from employer plans (401(k)s for example) to IRAs or from one IRA to another IRA. Ed Slott takes you through the steps to IRA rollover success! View this IRAtv video below.

Paying the Tuition Bill with Retirement Assets

A friend of mine, who was paying college tuition for twins, once said to me that you should borrow for college expenses because you cannot borrow to pay retirement expenses. While this is true, the reality is that sometimes we may have to look at funding some of our children's higher education expenses from whatever assets we can find, including our retirement accounts.

Questions on Trusts as Beneficiaries, Roth IRA 5-Year Rules and NUA Highlight Mailbag

Retirement planning is all about proper decision-making. In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we answer your questions about important decisions, including who to name as a beneficiary, how to handle Roth IRA distributions and if a certain key tax break applies to a certain situation. Click to read a Q&A with our IRA Technical Consultant.

Loans From 401(k)s: Be Careful!

Over the past several years, as the U.S. economy has been struggling, more employees have turned to their company 401(k) plans for a quick source of cash by taking loans from their plan balance. Many 401(k)s offer a loan feature, in fact some plans make it so easy for employees to get a loan that they offer a 401(k) loan debit card!

July 4th: Your Independence From Taxes

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, talks about halftime in 2012 and the upcoming July 4th holiday as a backdrop for moving more of your money from FOREVER taxed to NEVER taxed while tax rates are at historic lows. Ed provides some key 2012 retirement planning strategies, including Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s

Using a 401(k) to Buy a Small Business – Response to New York Times Article

The New York Times ran an article on June 13th titled, "Using Your 401(k) to Buy a Small Business," and we feel compelled to discuss the piece and provide a few words of warning on using what is called a ROBS (Rollovers as Business Start-ups) transaction. Ed Slott goes through the article and adds his own expert retirement planning perspective in this IRAtv video below.

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