
Don’t Make This Common RMD Mistake – It’s a Big Penalty!

With the first group of Baby Boomers turning age 70 ½ this year, there is a whole new group of IRA owners who will begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). It is important that they know the rules about aggregating RMDs in order to avoid this frequent mistake made by individuals, advisors, and even IRA custodians and employer plans.

Can I Convert My 403(b) to a Roth IRA?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the possibility of converting a 403(b) to a Roth IRA and outlines the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) process and who is eligible to take advantage of it.

A Retirement Planning Provision Hidden in a Trade Bill

What does a trade bill have to do with retirement accounts? Well, buried deep inside one of the bills was a provision expanding the “Age 50 Exception” to the 10% early distribution penalty, beginning in 2016. Here's what you need to know.

Can an IRA Distribution Cover My 403(b) RMD?

In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we answer questions on if you can cover your employer plan RMD (required minimum distribution) with an IRA distribution, the rules governing 401(k)-to-IRA rollovers and the logistics of setting up your IRA for three beneficiaries.

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