5-year rule

What You Need to Know About Inherited Roth IRAs

When a Roth IRA owner dies, the money belongs to the beneficiary. Although Roth IRA owners never have to take minimum distributions during their lifetime, the beneficiary must take distributions after the Roth IRA owner dies. Roth IRA beneficiaries have the same after-death stretch opportunity as if they inherited a traditional IRA. There are two options for you as the beneficiary of a Roth IRA, which we explain below.

Roth Conversions and Contributions, Creditor Protection Highlight Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions on Roth conversions and contributions, the always-confusing Roth IRA 5-year rules and creditor protection for IRAs. Happy a happy, healthy Memorial Day weekend and thank you to the servicemen and women who risk their lives daily to defend and protect us.

60-Day IRA Rollovers, 5-Year Rules Highlight Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions on some of our most-discussed topics, including 60-Day IRA Rollovers and the Roth IRA 5-year rules for distributions. These are delicate areas filled with penalty traps, so make sure you use the answers below as a guide and contact a competent, educated financial advisor to steer you around the landmines of taxes and penalties.

Post-Death IRA Distribution Rules

There is often a lot of confusion when it comes to the post-death IRA distribution rules. Frequently, beneficiaries and/or their advisors believe they are subject to what is called the 5-year rule – meaning they have to empty the inherited account within 5 years after the date of death - when in fact, they may actually have much longer to do so.

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