60-day IRA rollover

Outstanding Rollovers – What You Need to Know

The rules for rolling over IRA distributions can be complicated. These rules can become especially challenging at the end of the calendar year. If you are taking a distribution from your IRA at end of 2023 and considering a rollover that may not be completed until 2024, here are four facts you will want to know.

Bad Santa & The Grinch Offer Horrible IRA Advice – Part 2

The investment advisory firm of Bad Santa & the Grinch continues to disseminate misinformation and lousy, no good, rotten-to-the-core IRA advice. As we saw in “Bad Santa & The Grinch Offer Horrible IRA Advice – Part 1” (Slott Report, November 29), these two unsavory characters take great joy in fouling up not only your holiday, but also the qualified status of IRAs. Here are more fish bones, brown banana peels, coffee grinds and raccoon meals from their dented trash can of “IRA assistance.”

James Caan’s Estate Gets Whacked Over the Same-Property Rollover Rule

You may not be familiar with the tax code’s “same-property rule” that applies to IRA-to-IRA (and Roth IRA-to-Roth IRA) rollovers. The rule requires that the property received in an IRA distribution must be the same property that is rolled over. If you receive cash, you have to roll over cash.

Common Confusions with the Once-Per-Year Rollover Rule

The once-per-year IRA rollover rule sounds pretty easy to understand. You may only do one IRA-to-IRA (or Roth IRA-to-Roth IRA rollover) per year (365 days). However, this rule is often misunderstood. One common confusion about the once-per-year rollover rule is whether multiple distributions or multiple deposits will trip you up.

IRS Excuses Missed 2023 RMDs Within the 10-Year Payment Period and Provides 60-Day Rollover Relief

If you’re an IRA beneficiary subject to the 10-year payout period and would have had a 2023 RMD (required minimum distribution), you’re in luck. In Notice 2023-54 issued last Friday (July 14), the IRS said it would excuse those RMDs. The IRS also said it would extend the 60-day rollover deadline for IRA (and plan) account owners born in 1951 who received distributions in 2023 that weren’t necessary because of the SECURE 2.0 change that delayed their first RMD year from 2023 to 2024.

Poison Ivy: IRA Scenarios to Avoid

I got into some poison ivy and am suffering the consequences. It takes a few days for the welts to appear, but they are in full bloom. While I did take precautions before starting my yardwork (gloves, long sleeve shirt, etc.), in retrospect I could have been more careful. The frustrating part is, there isn’t a whole lot you can do once the swelling appears. Ice, some anti-itch spray, try not to scratch too much, and just methodically work through this incredibly uncomfortable irritation.

QCDs and 60-Day Rollovers: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: I am confused regarding the requirements for making a qualified charitable distribution. Is it necessary for the donation to be sent directly from the financial company to the charity, or can the check be made out to the charity but sent to me and then sent to the charity? Thank you, John

Direct Transfers, Direct Rollovers, and 60-Day Rollovers

When moving retirement money from IRA to IRA, or from a workplace retirement plan like a 401(k) to an IRA, there are essentially three methods to relocate those dollars. Two of them are similar, and the third opens all kinds of potential problems. Knowing how to properly move retirement dollars is imperative to produce the desired outcome.

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