Andy Ives

Bad Santa & The Grinch Offer Horrible IRA Advice – Part 1

If the Grinch and Bad Santa both passed their FINRA Series 7 exam and decided to open an investment advisory firm, I’m pretty sure they would combine forces to intentionally deliver some of the WORST financial advice possible. Here are some of their truly terrible, hideously horrible, good-for-nothing planning ideas:

Still-Time-Left To-Do List

Year-end to-do lists are commonplace. The problem is, they always seem to get published in mid-to-late December. I can almost hear the collective “thanks for nothing” comment from readers as the information arrives too late to act upon. As we are still before Thanksgiving, here are a few year-end items to consider…before it really is too late.

NUA and Roth IRA Contributions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: My client’s husband recently passed away. We have converted her late husband’s 401(k) to a beneficiary 401(k) in preparation for transferring it to a beneficiary (inherited) IRA. There is company stock inside the 401(k) currently. We want to leverage the NUA (net unrealized appreciation) tax strategy. Is stock inside a beneficiary 401(k) eligible for NUA, the same as the stock would have been when he was alive? All the best,

NUA and Roth IRA Contributions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: My client’s husband recently passed away. We have converted her late husband’s 401(k) to a beneficiary 401(k) in preparation for transferring it to a beneficiary (inherited) IRA. There is company stock inside the 401(k) currently. We want to leverage the NUA (net unrealized appreciation) tax strategy. Is stock inside a beneficiary 401(k) eligible for NUA, the same as the stock would have been when he was alive? All the best,

One Beneficiary, Three IRAs, Three Different Payout Rules

An advisor called and said his 75-year-old client had just passed away. He had questions about the payout rules applicable to the three IRAs the client left behind: a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, and an inherited IRA from his sister. I asked who the beneficiaries were.

Roth IRA Distribution Ordering Rules – Keep It Simple

Within the 400-page Ed Slott advisor training manual, we include a basic chart that outlines the Roth IRA distribution ordering rules and the availability of those specific dollars. When presenting the material to a live audience, I always say it is my favorite page.

The Still-Working Exception: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: We had a client who was 80 years old and still working when he died. He did not own more than 5% of the company. As such, he was not taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from the plan at his death. Our client named his son as his sole beneficiary.

“Estate Bypass” – Spousal Rollover When the Estate is Beneficiary

An estate can become the beneficiary of a person’s IRA in a couple of ways. First, the estate could be named outright as the beneficiary on the beneficiary form. This is not recommended. Why? One reason is that a non-designated beneficiary (like an estate), must follow certain restrictive payout rules.

Non-Spouse Beneficiaries and Roth IRA Distributions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: On September 6th in a piece titled, “Rules for Inherited IRAs that May Surprise Nonspouse Beneficiaries,” Sarah Brenner from Ed Slott and Company wrote, “If you inherited the IRA funds in 2020 or later, as a nonspouse beneficiary you will most likely be subject to a 10-year payout-period, possibly with annual RMDs during the 10-year period.” My brothers and sisters and I are non-spousal beneficiaries, and my understanding is that there is no rule or code yet that states we must take some out of the inherited IRA account each year, only that it must be drained by end of the tenth year as required by the SECURE Act. My sibling says we must take some each year. Which of us is correct? We are all under the RMD age, in our sixties and our parents passed September of 2022.

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