A ton of questions on this topic have come across our desks, and we have seen swirling, hypnotizing spirals in the eyes of many an advisor. I can only imagine what the general public is thinking about the changes to the required minimum distribution (RMD) age. Since 1986, the RMD age was planted at 70 ½. In the past three years it has increased to 72, to 73, and will eventually jump to 75.
Hello Ed,
I have a question concerning Secure 2.0 pertaining to transferring “leftover” 529 plan account balances into a Roth IRA, beginning 2024. If I have no income in 2024, can I still transfer/contribute leftover 529 plan funds into a Roth IRA? Thank you!
By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF®IRA AnalystFollow Us on Twitter: @theslottreport If a person has a Traditional IRA and is of the age...
SECURE 2.0 includes a number of new ways a person under the age of 59 ½ can access retirement account dollars while avoiding the 10% penalty. Historically, there have been more than a dozen ways to sidestep the extra charge. Things like first-time homebuyer costs, higher education costs and disability are all legitimate exceptions to the early distribution penalty. While taxes could still apply, the 10% penalty is off the table for eligible distributions. Here are two of the new “penalty-free access points” to both IRA and company plan retirement accounts made available in SECURE 2.0:
It is important to do your due diligence when hiring anyone who claims to be an expert. The same holds true for financial professionals. Before dumping your entire piggy bank in the lap of a random advisor, be sure he or she has the skills and experience necessary to manage such a responsibility. Regarding IRAs, here are 10 good questions to ask your advisor:
Hello Mr. Slott,
I have been doing Roth conversions this year from two small accounts (one a rollover IRA, the other a SEP-IRA) to consolidate into fewer accounts. The small SEP-IRA has been drained this year (2022) by converting the balance to my Roth. The rollover IRA was reduced by one third this year, and the rest should be converted to the Roth in early 2023.
At this time of year, financial articles typically cover festive topics with creative holiday metaphors. “Stuff Your Stocking with These Year-End Retirement Tips” or, “Stay Off Santa’s Naughty List by Implementing These Great Planning Ideas.” Lighthearted and fun – albeit corny – such commentary is usually bright, cheerful and easy to read. As the year comes to a close, I’m sure I will include similar language in one of my upcoming articles.
Each day we receive dozens of retirement-related questions from advisor members of the Ed Slott Elite IRA Advisor Group. Conversations range from incredibly complex to obscure to, “I just need you to confirm what I was thinking.” Whether a long explanation is required or a quick comment, our members have our undivided attention. We take every question seriously and proactively fill in any information gaps. Here is a random sampling of some recent communications:
Hello! I need clarification regarding RMD statements for customers who hold inherited IRAs or inherited Roth IRAs. I have not been able to find a clear answer to the following question:
Is the custodian required to provide an RMD statement to owners of inherited IRAs (or inherited Roth IRAs)?
Thank you!
The goal of the net unrealized appreciation (NUA) tax strategy is to enable a person to pay taxes on the appreciation of company stock formerly in a work plan at long term capital gain rates as opposed to ordinary income rates. The spread between long term capital gains vs. ordinary income could result in a sizable tax savings for those eligible for the strategy. However, not everyone can participate, and for those who are candidates for NUA, there are potential stumbling blocks along the way.